The U.S. Department of Transportation recently awarded the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) a $34 million Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight & Highway Projects grant.
Funding was awarded for the $57 million East Capitol Street project in Ward 7 that will improve transportation safety and mobility.
The area is an Historically Disadvantaged Community.
“The East Capitol Street Corridor is listed on the District of Columbia’s existing high-injury network,” Interim DDOT Director Sharon Kershbaum said. “With significant pedestrian and vehicular activity in this corridor, we are thrilled to have this funding that will add to Mayor (Muriel) Bowser’s budget commitment to help improve the safety of all our roadway users.”
The project covers approximately 2.1 miles. Work will include high-visibility crosswalks, High-Intensity Activated crosswalk beacons, safer geometric reconfigurations of intersections, stormwater drainage upgrades, enhanced traffic signal timing for vehicles and pedestrians, floating bus stops offset from the curb, curb extensions to enhance visibility, and designated and protected bike lanes.
Construction is expected to begin during the fourth quarter of 2027 with the final design phase beginning during the third quarter of this year.
DDOT also will use $11.3 million of its own funds and $11.3 million in Federal Highway Administration formula funding to complete the project.