The U.S. Department of Transportation recently awarded the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) with a $8 million Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight and Highway Projects program grant.
Funding will be used to reconstruct a safety rest area near Sparta. Currently, the rest area serves more than 410 vehicles daily
“We’re ready to get to work to modernize this outdated and undersized facility that will provide economic and quality of life benefits for all who use it,” WisDOT Secretary Craig Thompson said.
Work includes increasing truck parking capacity from 16 to approximately 70 spots, updating lighting, paving walking paths, fixing deteriorated ramps and pavement, adding a pet walking area, adding a staging area for oversized-overweight vehicles, technology to proactively communicate open truck parking spots to commercial drivers, and constructing Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant restrooms with adult changing tables.
“The nationwide challenges facing our trucking industry are placing an undue burden on our hardworking truck drivers as they deliver the critical goods and services that we all depend upon,” Gov. Tony Evers said. “We’re working with Sen. Tammy Baldwin and our federal partners to help alleviate some of those concerns on this critical freight and passenger route through Western Wisconsin.”
The rest area serves traffic on I-90 westbound.