Legislation to strengthen the supply chain introduced in Congress

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On Tuesday, U.S. Reps. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) and Larry Bucshon (R-IN) introduced legislation that would strengthen the supply chain, as well as to help America remain competitive with new technologies.

The Congress members introduced the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act, and the Deploying American Blockchains Act. Both pieces of legislation are critical to identifying risks within American supply chains and remaining competitive globally, the law makers said.

The Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act would establish a supply chain resiliency program within the Department of Commerce to map, monitor and promote U.S. supply chains in critical industries and emerging technologies. The legislation would also encourage private-public partnerships surrounding supply chains and encourage the development and competitiveness of U.S. productive capacities and manufacturing in the United States.

“After months of good-faith, bipartisan negotiations, I’m thrilled to introduce the bipartisan Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act that will help us map, monitor, and strengthen American supply chains, make more critical goods right here at home, and create good-paying jobs while lowering consumer costs,” Blunt Rochester said.

The legislation is supported by industry associations and tech companies including ITI; the Consumer Brands Association; MEMA, The Vehicle Suppliers Association; and the National Manufacturer’s Association.

“This measure gives the Department of Commerce additional tools to monitor, enhance data collection, and reduce vulnerabilities in critical U.S. manufacturing supply chains.” Ann Wilson, senior vice president of government affairs with MEMA, said. “Future supply chain crises may well be mitigated or even averted by this legislation.”

The Deploying American Blockchains Act directs the Secretary of Commerce to establish a “Blockchain Deployment Program” and to serve as an advisor to the president on U.S. blockchain policy. Additionally, the legislation authorizes the secretary to establish an advisory committee on the deployment, use, application and competitiveness of blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies.

“As America navigates the complexities of the modern digital age, we must continue to improve the resiliency of our supply chains and foster innovative uses of blockchain technologies throughout the U.S. economy,” Bucshon said. “This bipartisan legislation would pave the way for a more efficient and secure U.S. economy by identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating risk.”