The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) recently urged the aviation value chain to consult and involve frontline workers and their union representatives in the transition to a net-zero future.
“ITF supports the industry’s mission to de-carbonize and welcomes the opportunity to engage with government officials and industry experts gathered here to discuss ways to overcome the considerable challenges the sector faces to achieve net zero and mitigate its impact on the environment,” Rob Johnston, ITF assistant general secretary, said at the International Air Transport Association’s World Sustainability Summit in Madrid.
Climate change makes the aviation workplace more dangerous, Johnston said. Rising sea levels threaten to inundate airports, extreme heat disrupts operations, and increased air turbulence endangers passengers and flight crew.
ITF submitted a paper during last year’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) General Assembly with IndustriALL Global Union, the European Transport Workers’ Federation and IndustriAll European Trade Union. The paper emphasized the need for social dialogue during the transition to a zero-carbon future, investment into training and the creation of sectoral action plans.
ICAO’s declaration did not acknowledge a non-binding recommendation for states to achieve the goal in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable manner.
ITF will urge governments to step up their efforts, Johnston said.