Commonwealth Transportation Board reforms Virginia Railway Express funding

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Virginia’s Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) recently approved a policy that changes the way the Virginia Railway Express (VRE) is funded.

In addition, the board approved a policy that reforms the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) governance and funding.

“VRE and WMATA provide essential services to the people who live and work in the region,” Jennifer DeBruhl, Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation director, said. “The reforms implemented by CTB will lead to improved transparency, accountability, and financial responsibility. I am proud of the collaborative efforts that led to these policies. Northern Virginia’s transit needs are constantly evolving, and our policies must evolve with it.”

Under the new policy, VRE will receive funding based on metrics that are specific to the commuter rail system’s needs. State oversight for WMATA increases, and the amount the funding for operating and capital assistance is capped.

The changes are the result of legislation the Virginia General Assembly passed in 2023 to ensure state funds are allocated effectively and with greater accountability.

In other business, the board approved a $336,890 Rail Industrial Access grant to Carolina Ave LLC to rehabilitate a 4,000-foot rail spur.

During fiscal year 2022, companies receiving Rail Industrial Access grants diverted 28,332 trucks off roadways.