The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) will award up to $22 million in Thriving Communities Program grants.
Funding will be provided to organizations that provide technical assistance, planning and capacity building support to Thriving Communities Program recipients. Eligible awardees include academic and for-profit organizations providing qualified technical assistance, non-profit organizations, and philanthropic organizations.
The program provides intensive technical assistance to under-resourced and disadvantaged communities to help them identify, develop, and complete transportation and community revitalization projects.
The communities receive support from capacity builders who help prepare grant application materials and undertake predevelopment and project delivery activities.
“No one understands a community’s unique transportation needs better than the people who actually live there—yet many small communities don’t have the resources or capacity to secure the funding for infrastructure projects,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said. “The Thriving Communities Program is all about empowering communities to better access federal dollars so they can realize their own visions for better infrastructure and transportation.”
The department released a Notice of Funding Opportunity on Tuesday for technical assistance providers and communities seeking support.
Potential capacity builders must apply by Nov. 28 while communities seeking support must submit letters of interest by Nov. 15.