The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Public Transportation Advisory Committee recently approved 119 projects totaling more than $211 million for fiscal year 2021-23.
Funding will be divided among three programs that help reduce congestion by improving public transportation, both within cities and between them, help communities offer options to driving a vehicle, and support multimodal transportation. Public transportation programs are key contributors to ODOT’s three Strategic Action Plan priorities.
Sixteen projects totaling $1.01 million were recommended under FTA Section 5304 Statewide Planning for the 5304 Statewide Transportation Planning Grant Program.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds multimodal transportation planning in metropolitan areas and states. Funds are allocated to states through a formula based on multiple factors, including a state’s portion of the nation’s urbanized area population. States then
sub-allocate the funds for local planning needs.
Sixty projects in three tiers totaling $22.6 million were recommended under the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Discretionary and Statewide Transit Network for STIF Discretionary and Statewide Transit Network Fund programs.
Forty projects totaling $188.2 million were recommended under the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Formula for the 2021-23 STIF Plans for Formula Funds.
The projects will be sent to the Oregon Transportation Commission for final approval. A decision will be made at the commission’s May meeting.