Department of Transportation (DOT) officials are espousing the benefits of an initiative designed to assist veterans transitioning to new careers as pilots.
Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao said 32 military veterans have completed flight training through the Forces to Flyers program, earning commercial multi-engine pilot’s licenses.
The DOT introduced Forces to Flyers three years ago, enabling researchers to study pathways for entering the pilot workforce, identify barriers to training and employment, and design and implement methods to provide flight training to individuals interested in becoming airline pilots.
“The Forces to Flyers flight training demonstration has helped America’s veterans transition from military service to find good jobs in the transportation sector,” Chao said.
Forces to Flyers participants are presented the opportunity to receive flight training at four flight schools nationwide, officials said, starting with the first flight lesson. Additionally, to support 32 veterans in earning the commercial multi-engine pilot’s license, the training demonstration supported 25 of the veterans to become a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) for instrument operations.
As CFIs, the veterans will have the ability to gain employment as a flight instructor while obtaining the flight hours needed to qualify for an Airline Transport Pilot Certificate (ATP) and become an airline pilot.