Several federal agencies are working closely with Texas officials to assess the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey and facilitate recovery operations.
Last week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott asked for Emergency Relief funds. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao immediately released $25 million. An additional $100 million will be made available to rebuild infrastructure.
Also last week, Chao signed an Emergency Declaration to remove restrictions on fuel delivery weight and size requirements and a Regional Declaration of Emergency to help alleviate fuel shortages caused by interrupted delivery and refineries closing. Four states have issued emergency declarations because of fuel storages.
The Department of Transportation also has been working closely with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Maritime Administration activated three vessels to assist FEMA with supplying and housing first responders.
The Federal Highways Administration has more than 250 engineers on standby to inspect bridges and roads. Resources from other parts of the country will be shifted to the Texas Department of Transportation if necessary. The Federal Railroad Administration will conduct rail inspections.
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will assist the Texas National Guard in decontamination efforts at the Crosby, Texas, chemical facility after an explosion and fire.