A new report has been issued by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) this week that lends a bit of insight into vehicle thefts surrounding the 2016 holiday season.
In total, 11 holidays were tracked and compared, and between them, 22,705 vehicles were stolen, from among a total of 803,719 vehicles swiped over the course of the year. California proved the hardest hit state, with 5,285 cars lost to holiday theft. Texas saw 2,121 vehicles stolen with Florida right behind at 1,397, Washington at 889, and Georgia at 763.
In terms of the holidays themselves, Halloween showed the highest number of vehicles stolen across the country with 2,578 vehicles stolen that night. In descending order, the remaining holidays were ranked as Labor Day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, New Year’s Eve, Independence Day, Christmas Eve, President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. The last saw 1,664 cars stolen from across the country.
All of this data was pulled from the National Crime Information Center’s stolen vehicle file.