More than 2.3 million people flew Delta during Thanksgiving holiday

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Throughout the five-day Thanksgiving holiday, Delta flew more than 2.3 million customers worldwide on 23,114 flights.

Sunday was the busiest travel day with approximately 646,000 people flying on 5,986 flights. Sunday also set a record high for the number of passengers flying in November.

There were no cancellations Wednesday through Saturday on Delta and Delta Connection. On Sunday, approximately 50 flights were canceled because of winter weather.

“Each year Delta people are ready to tackle any challenges that come our way, including those from Mother Nature, to take care of the volume of customers trusting us with their holiday travel,” Gil West, Delta chief operating officer, said. “And Delta employees continue to rise to the occasion, connecting people to holiday memories and exceeding their expectations as a reliability leader. Hats off to a job well done, as we continue to stay focused on holiday travel through the remainder of the year.”

Before Sunday’s cancellations, Delta and Delta Connection had gone four days with no cancellations and Delta had gone eight days with no cancellations.

For the holiday, Delta’s completion factor, the airline’s measure of scheduled flights that were not canceled, was 99.77 percent. Its on-time arrival rate was 70.3 percent.