The Portland Metro Area Value Pricing Policy Advisory Committee, which is responsible for studying tolls on area freeways, has delivered its recommendation to the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC).
The Committee is listing among its recommendations any congestion pricing program should include strategies to improve public transportation, support environmental justice, and low-income populations. It also recommends that the congestion pricing pilot projects should continue to be studied on I-5 through downtown Portland and on I-205 near the Abernethy Bridge to learn more about the effectiveness of congestion pricing in these areas; the congestion pricing effort should be phased, with a two-tier approach that starts with pilot projects tolling segments of I-5 and I-205 and eventually tolling both corridors; and revenue from tolls collected in the region should be used to improve the regional transportation system.
Officials said the Committee met six times between November 2017 and June 2018, noting the OTC created the panel to develop a recommendation for congestion pricing on interstates 5 and 205.
The OTC will consider the recommendation as it develops a congestion pricing proposal for submittal to the Federal Highway Administration by the end of 2018, officials said, as directed by the Oregon Legislature through House Bill 2017.
Officials said the report can be found on the Oregon Department of Transportation website.