Drivers in Michigan need to make more room for bicyclists under a new state law signed into effect last week.
The law now requires at least 3 feet of space be given to bicyclists when passing them on any road. It is a significant safety change for a state that has, in recent years, been affected by tragedy over the collision of bikers and drivers.
“Many Michiganders enjoy activities like bicycling, but these activities can leave them vulnerable to vehicles sharing the road,” Snyder said. “Drivers must exercise caution and maintain awareness around vulnerable roadway users.”
The law stems from three separate House Bills: 4191, 4185 and 4265, as put forth by state Reps. Julie Alexander (R-64th District), John Bizon (R-62nd District), and Holly Hughes (R-91st District), respectively. It amends the Michigan Vehicle Code to make the change, though it does specifically recognize the fact that, depending on traffic and other circumstances, a full 3-foot allowance might not always be possible. In those cases, the law now states drivers must pass at a safe distance to the left side of a bicycle, and only at safe speeds.
Further, driver’s education curriculums in the state must now involve at least one full hour of class time dedicated to motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrian awareness, to make potential drivers more aware of those most vulnerable on the road.