Introduction of online drivers test successful in Arizona

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The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) introduced online drivers tests in March, with approximately 23,000 exams taken as of May.

The program, Permit Test @ Home, is designed for teenagers seeking their learners permit. Parents must first go to and establish a personal AZ MVD Now account.

Before the test, a mandatory video plays explaining the dangers of texting and driving. In July, state law will prohibit teen drivers from using phones or smart devices in vehicles except in emergency situations. The video also encourages families to have conversations about the dangers of distracted driving.

MVD’s mission is safety, Jennifer Bowser-Richards, MVD stakeholder relations manager, said, while also allowing for a level of decongestion in the MVD offices throughout the state.

“To average nearly 8,000 online tests a month is phenomenal,” Bowser-Richards said “MVD serves about 7,300 people a day at our offices, so the Permit Test @ Home effectively creates another full business day for our offices. That means fewer people in line and continued improvement of customer service as we fulfill our mission to get Arizona out of line and safely on the road.”

New drivers are still required to drive with a licensed driver in the front seat and must pass a road test to be licensed.