EPA awarding $40 million for more efficient engines

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced it will be awarding approximately $40 million in Diesel Emission Reduction Program (DERA) grant funds, which will be used to retrofit or replace the nation’s diesel fleet.

In the United States, nearly all commercial marine vessels, locomotives, and highway freight trucks run on diesel engines.

“Steps to reduce emissions from older diesel trucks are some of the most cost-effective measures we can take to improve the air Americans breathe,” Rep Ken Calvert (R-CA) said. “By prioritizing the DERA grant funding in regions that have some of our most complex air quality challenges, the resources being awarded can make a significant impact. I am pleased Congress was able to provide $40 million for these grants and appreciate the efforts of everyone at EPA in making it a success.”

To qualify for a grant, projects must significantly reduce diesel emissions and exposure.

The grants are open to government and tribal agencies; port authorities with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality; and nonprofit organizations that promote transportation or air quality as their primary purpose or provide educational services or pollution reduction to diesel fleet owners.

Applications close June 5. Between 20 and 80 grants will be awarded in 10 regions.