Three American Trucking Associations (ATA) members recently represented the trucking industry at a White House Rose Garden event on the benefits of the Tax Cuts and Job Act.
The ATA has long supported the act. In October, ATA members rallied in support of tax reform.
The three companies were Crete Carrier Corp., TCW, and Werner Enterprises.
Crete driver Jeff Tetzloff said that the tax cuts are providing him with more than $4,000 annually and that Crete is now investing more in his 401(k).
Werner President and CEO Derek Leathers said his company increased capital expenditures for the year by $127 million, a 64 percent jump from 2017. The majority (90 percent) will be used to purchase new trucks. Werner also plans to increase drivers’ salaries by more than $24 million, an average of $2,400 per driver.
“Putting truckers in a position to have their voices heard on important issues is a critical part of what we do at ATA,” ATA President and CEO Chris Spear said. “Our industry could not ask for better representatives than these to talk about the benefits of the president’s tax reform package.”
In January, 50 percent of ATA member companies said they were planning to increase wages or offer bonuses, and 47 percent said they planned to invest in new equipment.