The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) recently ruled that the planned Northern Lights Express Higher Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Project between Minneapolis and Duluth will not have significant environmental impacts.
The FRA issued a Finding of No Significant Impact on the Tier 2 Project Level Environmental Assessment. The assessment examined the project as a whole as well as alternative routes, the type of railroad engine, ridership projections, service levels, the cities served and infrastructure.
The finding means the project can seek funding for the final design and construction.
Public comment was sought on the project last April. In 2013, the project passed its first assessment.
The assessment was prepared with the assistance of the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT).
MnDOT acted as the Responsible Governmental Unit under the state’s environmental review process. It issued its findings and said a state Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
The proposed railroad will run approximately 152 miles, operating eight trains at speeds up to 110 miles per hour, and will have six stops, Minneapolis, Coon Rapids, Cambridge, Hinckley, and Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin.
It has received $1.1 million in funding from the High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Program grants and an additional $500,000 and $475,000 has been earmarked.