Airlines 4 America (A4A) called on Congress on Monday to reject the Trump Administration’s proposal to increase federal aviation taxes and fees by $2.9 billion per year in its fiscal year 2019 budget request.
The budget request calls for increasing the TSA passenger security fee by $1 per one-way trip in fiscal year 2019 and by $1.65 per one-way trip in fiscal year 2020, costing travelers an additional $2 billion each year.
Additionally, the Administration has proposed increasing the immigration customs fee from $5.65 to $8.40, and the immigration user fee from $7 to $9, costing travelers an additional $900 million each year.
“Increasing taxes in any form will add to the cost of flying for millions of Americans, curtail job growth and limit the options small and medium communities currently enjoy,” A4A President and CEO Nicholas Calio said.
A4A noted that approximately $1.3 billion in TSA fees have been diverted from aviation security screening each year since 2013. The group called on Congress to reject the proposed fee increases, just as Congress rejected an earlier proposal to increase the passenger facility charge.
“Billions of dollars have already been diverted from aviation security to go towards deficit reduction or other sectors of government,” Calio said. “Congress should return this revenue to its intended purpose instead of raising TSA and CBP fees. Passengers already pay 21 percent in taxes on a typical domestic ticket and increasing them can’t be justified.”