The FL DNT TXT N DRV Coalition recently joined state Reps. Jackie Toledo (R-Tampa) and Emily Slosberg (D-Boca Raton) in their support of House Bill 33, which seeks to make texting while driving a primary offense.
The bill was advanced during this month’s Children’s Week at the Capitol, in Tallahassee. It also bans emailing and instant messaging while driving.
If it becomes law, Florida will be the 47th state to make texting while driving a primary offense.
“In 2016, there were over 50,000 distracted driving crashes in Florida, resulting in more than 200 fatalities, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles,” Toledo said. “This equates to more than five crashes every hour. As the mother of five children, these numbers are as frightening as they are compelling. As an engineer, the data is crystal clear. And as a legislator, my goal is safer streets and the rule of law.”
Annually, more than 100,000 crashes resulting in death or serious injury are the result of texting, according to the National Safety Council.
The FL DNT TXT N DRV Coalition thanked the House Judiciary Committee and said it was pleased the bill has 50 co-sponsors.
The bill now moves to the Florida House Government Accountability Committee.