The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey recently implemented a False Claims Policy. The policy is intended to detect and stop unethical conduct and fraud by vendors and contractors.
The policy provides a financial incentive for private sector employees who report information. Informants receive a percentage of any money recovered for the port authority based on several factors including the level of information they provide. They are protected from retaliation under the port authority’s strong whistleblower policy.
The policy also is designed to protect the major projects in the port authority’s 2017-2026 Capital Plan from fraud.
“Our mission is to safeguard every dime of the public’s money and ensure that it is being spent for work that’s actually being performed,” Rick Cotton, port authority executive director, said. “This policy mandates that employees and others who do business with the port authority immediately report any actions they believe are wrong or fraudulent to the agency’s Inspector General’s office for further review.”
The port authority has a zero-tolerance policy toward unethical conduct or fraudulent action causing financial harm, Port Authority Chairman Kevin O’Toole said.
The policy is one of six the port authority’s board of commissioners enacted in September.