AIA congratulates Aviation Week Laureate Award winner

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The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) recently congratulated the 2018 Aviation Week Laureate Award winner in the “COMMERCIAL, Safety” category.

The winner, the Commercial Aviation Safety Team/Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (CAST/ASIAS) initiative, was selected by the Aviation Week Network. CAST/ASIAS was chosen because it represents a collaboration between government and industry to improve aviation safety, the network’s judges said.

“We applaud the work of the CAST/ASIAS initiative and the recognition of its accomplishments by the Aviation Week Network,” AIA President and CEO Eric K. Fanning said. “AIA and our member companies will continue to be strong and active supporters of CAST and ASIAS, and look forward (to continuing) our work together in making the world’s safest form of mass transportation even safer.”

CAST, established in 1998, has reduced the U.S. commercial aviation industry’s fatality risk by 83 percent. It is focusing on implementing mitigation strategies before accidents occur. Its goal is to reduce the fatality risk an additional 50 percent by 2025.

ASIAS is a computer system that allows users to search safety data and perform integrated queries across multiple databases.

AIA is a member of CAST, and AIA staff members serve on the executive committees of both CAST and ASIAS.