The International Association of Public Transport (UITP) recently signed a memorandum with World Bank with the intention of partnering to advance the safety and security of women in public transport.
The partnership will work on technical assistance, project development, capacity building, and training as well as best practice dissemination and advocacy.
UITP Secretary General Mohamed Mezghani was present at the signing. He also participated in a panel discussion with World Bank.
The discussion, Transport is not Gender Neutral, touched on the topics of women’s empowerment, poverty, climate change, and public health and safety. It also explored autonomous vehicles, mobility, and electric vehicles. Emphasis was placed on using technology and digital platforms to provide solutions.
Some of the panel discussion’s findings included more than 80 percent of the women who use public transportation have been sexually harassed. Additionally, more than 90 percent of the cases of sexual harassment on public transportation are not reported.
More women feel safer on the street than they do using public transportation, and 80 percent of women fear being sexually harassed while using public transportation.
When asked what they would like to see from public transportation, women replied welcomed, safe, comfortable and respected.
Panel speakers included Robin Chase, founder of Zipcar, and Davis Wang, founder and CEO of Mobike.