Following passage in both the Senate and House, three trucking-related bills are now headed to President Donald Trump for signature into law.
The three bills drew sponsors and support from both parties and revolving around human trafficking as well as veterans and military service members ability to find careers.
Two of the bills focused on the human trafficking portion. The No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act will bar from operation of commercial motor vehicles anyone that has used such a vehicle to commit any felony involving human trafficking. This will result in a lifetime ban. Meanwhile, the Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act would establish a human trafficking prevention coordinator within the U.S. Department of Transportation and increase all efforts linked to its reporting and education at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
“Once signed into law, the No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act and the Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act will greatly aid in the ongoing battle against human trafficking,” U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-SD), chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, said. “Additionally, the Jobs for Our Heroes Act will benefit veterans and service members by making it easier for them to get commercial drivers licenses without having to face unnecessary red tape.”
The last mentioned, the Jobs for Our Heroes Act, would streamline the manner by which active or retired military personnel can get their commercial driver’s licenses and begin driving-based careers.