In a move meant to make it easier for job seekers and employers alike to get access to driving records, the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA) has slashed their acquisition cost.
Those records now cost a third of what they did previously, down to $9 for a non-certified driving record and $12 for a certified record. Further, comprehensive driving records are now available through the department’s online services, whereas previously requesters had to either visit a physical branch office, fax or mail a request. Those requests could cost up to $36 and could require separate requests.
“The consolidation of driving record requests is going to be a huge convenience for both truck drivers and employers,” Maryland Motor Truck Association President and CEO Louis Campion said. “We are pleased MDOT MVA has gone the extra mile to ensure that the men and women who need to provide their driving records to get or keep employment will now be able to do so much easier and at a reduced cost.”
For truckers, the Interactive Driving and Vehicle Records System now allows access to employers for monitoring purposes of Commercial Driver’s License employees.