U.S. Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) recently led a hearing by the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit on the nation’s highway and transit issues.
The hearing, Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America: Highways and Transit Stakeholders’ Perspectives, was scheduled to allow the subcommittee to hear feedback from transit officials and determine how the Highway Trust Fund can meet transit needs.
“A modern infrastructure means a strong America – an America that competes globally while supporting local and regional economic development and creates jobs. Funding certainty is vital to planning and building infrastructure for the 21st Century,” Graves said.
Missouri’s Department of Transportation Director Patrick McKenna testified on behalf of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
The Highway Trust Fund must provide long-term sustainable-revenue solutions, McKenna said, and any infrastructure plan needs to focus on rural areas.
Ray McCarty, president and CEO of Associated Industries of Missouri, testified on behalf of the National Association of Manufacturers.
Keeping the Highway Trust Fund solvent should be the goal of an infrastructure plan, McCarty said, and that federal funding is needed to improve freight movement and address bottlenecks.
Other speakers included representatives from the Transportation Construction Coalition and Sound Transit and from North America’s Building Trades Unions.