Officials from Queen Anne County, Maryland, recently met with state Deputy Transportation Secretary Jim Ports to discuss the draft for fiscal years 2018 through 2023 Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP).
The program includes the budget for the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). The meeting was the latest stop in MDOT’s annual tour of Baltimore and the state’s 23 counties.
“The annual CTP Tour lets us engage with our customers about their transportation priorities,” Ports said. “We actively dialogue with Marylanders throughout the year, and this lets us talk face-to-face with them about transportation issues that are important to us all.”
The budget includes a $14.7 billion investment in the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, Baltimore’s Helen Delich Bentley Port, Motor Vehicle Administration facilities, and in highways and transit.
Currently, there are 846 active infrastructure and transportation projects in the state, valued at $9 billion.
The Maryland Transportation Authority’s $2.6 billion investment in toll roads and bridges also was discussed.
Queen Anne County was awarded $4 million in Highway User Revenues. The funding includes a $394,000 grant recently awarded by Gov. Larry Hogan.
The county also received $12 million in highway safety grants from the Motor Vehicle Administration, including $10,000 for the Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Office.