The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is hosting exhibits at this year’s state fair, through Sept. 4, to explore the innovation and technology MnDOT uses to efficiently work construction projects around the state.
The first exhibit, in the Education Building, serves three purposes: to highlight how technology can manage traffic congestion around work zones, to promote MnDOT’s website, and to show a hands-on display of the St. Croix River bridge project.
A second exhibit, in the Eco Experience Building, teaches visitors about pollution, safe walking, and ride-sharing services.
Updated state maps will be available in the Education Building and bike maps are available in the Eco Experience building.
“We all have a stake in a strong transportation system,” MnDOT Commissioner Charlie Zelle said. “Every trip we take from point A to point B, we use a road, a bridge, a rail line, a runway, a bike path or a waterway to connect us to our destinations.”
On Thursday, MnDOT participated in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) Day at the Fair, and a MnDOT snowplow will be in the daily parades Aug. 29-31.
During the fair, construction work on the Snelling Avenue project from Como Avenue to Highway 36 will be halted. All lanes will be open until Sept. 5 when construction resumes.