The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) recently joined several general aviation groups in opposing air traffic control (ATC) privatization legislation reintroduced by U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA).
“As the largest association of pilots and aviation enthusiasts, AOPA is focused on reforms to our air traffic system that will work for all users of the system,” AOPA President Mark Baker said. “A privatization proposal that requires protections for a large segment of aviation has a high potential for unintended consequences, as well as increased costs and uncertainty. We will continue to work with the administration, Congress, and industry stakeholders on reforms and efficiencies necessary to make certain our air traffic control system remains the envy of the world.”
AOPA and five other aviation industry organizations released a joint statement opposing the House legislation as well as the privatization of ATC. In the statement, the industry groups thanked Shuster for his “meaningful and thoughtful” work to improve ATC, but said privatization “will produce uncertainty and unintended consequences without achieving the desired outcomes.”
While ATC privatization has the President Donald Trump’s support, a recent survey conducted by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies found that the majority of Americans believe that ATC privatization is the wrong move. It has also faced criticism from the industry and members of both political parties.