The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) recently announced $9.8 million is available through the Small Shipyard Grant Program.
Five to 12 applications will be selected based on how the funds will be spent, with the average grant expecting to total $1 million.
Funds can be used to invest in emerging technologies, hire a skilled workforce, training employees, shipbuilding, repairs and operation modernizations. The funds cannot be used to purchase property or construct buildings.
“When it comes to American infrastructure, our shipyards are leading the way and currently producing some of the most modern and advanced vessels in the world,” MARAD Director Joel Szabat said. “They also provide quality jobs and support economic growth in local communities.”
Shipyards have a direct economic impact on the entire nation. They contributed $37.3 billion in gross domestic product in 2013, and employed 110,000 people.
Applications must be received by July 5 and awards will be issued no later than Sept. 5.
The Small Shipyard Grant Program was created under the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009. It is aimed at fostering training programs and helping small shipyards make improvements.
Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017, $10 million was appropriated to the program.