The private business sector of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) recently met with members of Congress and the U.S. Department of Transportation to advocate for the inclusion of public transit in the federal budget and any upcoming infrastructure legislation.
“The private sector is focused on creating jobs and growing the economy, but it is crucial that we have a federal partner that helps facilitate a safe and efficient national transportation network, of which public transportation is a critical component,” Jeff Wharton, APTA chairman of the business member board of governors, said. “Public transportation relieves congestion for goods moving to market, improves individual mobility and allows the national transportation network to operate efficiently.”
APTA business members are a vital part of the economy providing jobs and revenue, Wharton said.
For every $1 communities invest in public transportation, it generates $4 dollars in economic returns, according to previous research. Additionally, for every $1 billion invested in public transportation, 50,000 jobs are created and supported.
The Trump Administration has repeatedly pledged $1 trillion for infrastructure, but there have been few details released.
In December 2015, Congress passed the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, which funds highway programs, passenger rail, and federal transit through fiscal year 2020, but does not address public transit services and infrastructure.