Democrats on the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee recently introduced the Leading Infrastructure For Tomorrow’s America (LIFT America) Act, designed to provide five years of funding for infrastructure improvements.
Investments highlighted in the bill include $40 billion to expand broadband access, $22.56 billion to remove lead water pipes and address water issues, $4 billion for modernizing the electric grid, $9 billion for renewable energy, $4 billion for energy efficiency, $3 billion for healthcare infrastructure, and $2.7 billion for revitalizing communities and creating jobs by returning valuable land to productive use.
Additional funding would be used to replace polychlorinated biphenyl-laden lighting fixtures in schools and reduce school bus emissions.
All hospital construction and water projects would be required to use American made steel and iron.
“At a time when our nation’s infrastructure is either crumbling or in desperate need of modernization, it’s time we make real and significant investments for the future,” committee member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) said. “The LIFT America Act is a blueprint for critical investments in our nation’s infrastructure that will also create jobs, promote economic growth and protect public health, and the environment. I’m pleased to introduce this comprehensive bill with my Democratic colleagues on the Committee, and look forward to advancing these key investments in American infrastructure.”