Americans for Prosperity (AFP), along with a coalition of more than 50 other organizations, recently sent a letter to Congress urging the legislative body to streamline infrastructure spending.
The letter urged Congress to take six steps. The first included removing the review process for greenhouse gas emissions and limiting the National Environmental Policy Act. Second, the overturning of an executive order by President Barack Obama that requires federal contractors use Project Labor Agreements and repeal the Davis-Beacon wage mandate. The third and fourth steps included reallocating infrastructure funds that are being used on public transportation and highway beautification to other projects, and giving local policymakers more flexibility. The fifth and sixth steps included recognizing that new spending should be offset with spending cuts elsewhere, and not putting into place a national infrastructure bank and not using revenue from corporate income repatriated from abroad.
“States have seen firsthand the pitfalls of transportation stimulus spending, particularly during the Obama administration — too often these projects fail due to regulatory red tape and unchecked spending,” AFP Vice President of External Affairs Christine Harbin said. “The concepts in our letter provide a constructive path forward for conservatives. Washington and state leadership can work together on a plan that protects taxpayers and addresses the nation’s infrastructure needs. We look forward to working with stakeholders in Congress and the White House on this important issue as it takes shape this year.”