Legislation to increase access to safe truck parking introduced

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New bipartisan legislation reintroduced last week would improve truckers’ access to safe parking if passed.

The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act (H.R.1659) is sponsored by U.S. Reps. Mike Bost (R-IL), Angie Craig (D-MN), Pete Stauber (R-MN), and Salud Carbajal (D-CA). The bill provides the U.S. Department of Transportation with additional funding to address the nationwide shortage of safe, accessible parking spaces for commercial trucks. Funding would pay for the construction of new lots and spaces, the lawmakers said.

“I grew up in a family trucking business,” Bost said. “I know firsthand how difficult, and oftentimes dangerous, it can be when America’s truckers are forced to push that extra mile in search of a safe place to park. By expanding access to parking options for truckers, we are making our roads safer for all commuters and ensuring that goods and supplies are shipped to market in the most efficient way possible.”

As part of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations, truckers are legally obligated to comply with “Hours of Service” rules. Truckers spend an estimated hour per day looking for safe parking, which cuts down on the time they have to drive to their destination. A study commissioned by the Federal Highway Administration found that 98 percent of truck drivers report having difficulty finding safe parking and are forced to park on exit ramps, the side of an interstate or other unsafe areas.

“Truck drivers keep our nation’s supply chains moving, and they should never be forced to forgo much-needed rest because of insufficient highway parking,” Craig said. “Increasing rest spot availability means a safer and more efficient road for truck drivers and everyday commuters alike, and I’m proud to work with my colleagues across the aisle on this critical issue.”