At its Dec. 19 business meeting, the Wyoming Transportation Commission awarded seven Wyoming Department of Transportation construction projects nearly $65.7 million in contracts.
The projects are funded primarily with federal dollars, and nearly all contracts were awarded to the lowest bid.
The contracts include:
Kilgore Companies LLC, dba Lewis & Lewis Inc., was awarded a $30.12 million contract for a bridge rehabilitation project on approximately 10.8 miles of I-80 between Rock Springs and Rawlins in Sweetwater County. Work includes aggregate surfacing, asphalt paving, grading, guardrails and traffic control.
Oftedal Construction was awarded a $10.77 million contract for a reconstruction and water/sewer line upgrade project on 16th Street in Wheatland. Work includes stormwater drainage work, electrical work, and sidewalk and curb and gutter work.
Avail Valley Construction-WY LLC was awarded a $10.43 million contract for a paving project on approximately 8.4 miles of I-80 between Laramie and Rawlins in Carbon County. Work includes asphalt paving, concrete paving, aggregate surfacing, lane rental, milling, signage, and grading work.
Bituminous Paving was awarded an $8.12 million contract for a paving project on approximately 12.8 miles of US Highway 85 between Lusk and Hat Creek in Niobrara County. Work includes asphalt paving, chip seal, milling, and traffic control.