The Philadelphia Department of Streets, Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems along with several of its partners held a groundbreaking ceremony for the approximately $16 million Market Street Old City Improvement Project.
The multimodal safety project will make improvements on Market Street, between 6th Street and 2nd Street. The area is on the city’s Vision Zero High Injury Network, the 12 percent of city streets with 80 percent of all traffic deaths and serious injuries.
“This month, we released our 2024 Vision Zero Annual Report, which highlights the outcomes of traffic safety improvements projects much like this one on Market Street,” Mike Carroll, Philadelphia transportation and infrastructure deputy managing director, said. “These safety improvements, including the new pedestrian plaza, will create a welcoming public space for residents and a destination for 2026 tourists as well as a hub of activity for years to come.”
Work will include intersection bump outs and upgraded Americans with Disabilities Act sidewalk ramps, dedicated left turn lanes at cross street intersections, concrete bump outs at bus stops, sidewalk-level bike lanes, new traffic signals, and a curbless plaza design at the intersection of Market Street and 2nd Street.
The project is expected to be completed by the nation’s 250th anniversary celebrations.