The Federal Transit Administration and Sound Transit, a regional transit agency serving Central Puget Sound, recently opened the 60-day public comment period for the Tacoma Dome Link Extension project’s National Environmental Policy Act and State Environmental Policy Act Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
The project is part of a 116-mile expansion of the Puget Sound light rail network and will include connections to local transit services such as King County Metro, Pierce Transit, and Intercity Transit.
The Draft EIS analyzes and documents the project’s potential impacts to the environment; proposes ways to avoid, reduce or mitigate impacts; and evaluates alternatives for the locations of the planned light rail alignment and four stations.
Residents can read the full Draft EIS on the agency’s website and can comment via an online form, e-mail, mail or voicemail. Residents also can make in-person comments at one of four public meetings being held Jan. 21-30. One event is virtual. The other three will be held at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center, the Federal Way Performing Arts and Events Center, and
the Fife Community Center.
Comments will be accepted through Feb. 10.
The Sound Transit Board will evaluate comments and consider the analysis in the Draft EIS before making the final draft.