The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro) recently began operating trains in automatic mode.
Automatic Train Operation (ATO) semi-automated and assists train operators with their duties by controlling a train’s acceleration, deceleration, and speed while being regulated by safety critical equipment. The equipment is located between the tracks and will send the train signal and speed commands.
Humans will be responsible for the safety of passengers and will observe safety concerns and the environment surrounding the train. This includes monitoring door operations, train status, and track conditions.
ATO will improve efficiency for customers transferring lines and allow for coordinated arrivals at transfer stations. It will not be used during certain conditions such as when workers are on the roadway, during single tracking, and inclement weather.
“Automatic train operations represent significant advancements in safety and efficiency for Metro customers and employees,” Don Drummer, board of directors’ safety and operations committee principal director and chairman, said. “ATO also offers numerous advantages that contribute to an improved trip experience, increased reliability, cost savings, and more environmentally friendly train operations.”
Rollout began on the Red Line on Sunday and will continue through 2025. Employee training on operating, controlling, and maintaining ATO has been ongoing for several months.