The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) recently awarded transit agencies in 16 counties more than $17.5 million in Ohio Workforce Mobility Partnership Program (OWMP) grants.
The program provides funding for infrastructure, equipment, planning, vehicles, and technology projects. This round of funding will support 33 transit projects that support public work force transportation in rural and urban areas
“Public transit serves an important role by providing mobility options for our work force,” Pamela Boratyn ODOT director, said. “This funding ensures that transit agencies are better able to connect Ohio’s workers to their jobs and to employment opportunities across the state,”
Awardees include:
The Butler County Regional Transit Authority was awarded $2.5 million to expand its bus yard, construct a propane fuel station, and offer drivers additional training. Work supports the CincyLink Commuter route which connects residents of Butler and Warren counties with Hamilton County workplaces. An estimated 250,000 jobs within three miles of CincyLink stops.
The Central Ohio Transit Authority was awarded more than $1 million for technology that displays real-time bus arrival information at the Rickenbacker International Airport transit hub.
Morgan County Transit was awarded $117,004 for the purchase of two new vehicles that will support the expansion of the Morgan-Noble County Workforce Connectivity project.