The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) recently released $150 million in Fiscal Year 2025 County Aid to the state’s 21 counties for local infrastructure improvements.
The program helps maintain public bridges and roads under county jurisdiction, or other transportation related work. Fiscal Year 2025 is the first year that pavement preservation was an eligible improvement type.
“The New Jersey Department of Transportation is committed to finding solutions for localized transportation concerns by investing in county owned bridges and roadways, which reduces the tax burden on residents,” NJDOT Commissioner Fran O’Connor said. “The millions of dollars in County Aid is just one way the Department is advancing Governor Murphy’s vision of a safe, equitable, and sustainable transportation system for all New Jerseyans.”
Funds are apportioned to each county based on population and road mileage. Counties are required to submit eligible projects to NJDOT for approval prior to Dec. 1. Eligible projects are identified in a county’s annual Transportation Program, and counties select the projects that receive funding.
A recent new schedule for County Aid requires NJDOT to inform counties of their allotments for the current fiscal year by July 31 annually.
The New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund funds the program.