On Monday, the Utah Transportation Commission announced it had approved nearly $1.4 billion in projects for northwest Utah County.
Officials said the funding will allow the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to build two new freeways and a freeway extension. When combined with previously approved projects, the total investment into the area comes to $2.1 billion, UDOT said.
“This significant investment represents our commitment to building a transportation system that meets the needs of all Utahns,” UDOT Executive Director Carlos Braceras said. “As we continue to grow as a state, we will work to find transportation solutions to help everyone get to where they want in the way they want.”
The commission approved $275 million in new funding for the conversion of 2100 North between Mountain View Corridor and I-15 in Lehi, bringing the total investment to $554 million. The commission also approved $77 million for the Pioneer Crossing Flex Lanes that would provide two additional travel lanes in the peak direction of travel based on the time of day. And the commission approved $553 million for an extension of Mountain View Corridor South to Cory Wride Highway (CQ) in Sarasota Springs.
Officials said the new projects represent the state’s biggest transportation investment in Utah County since the I-15 CORE project finished in 2012.
“We are grateful for this opportunity to improve travel through northwest Utah County,” UDOT Region Three Director Rob Clayton said. “These projects will greatly benefit both the residents and travelers in the region, ensuring better commutes and improved connectivity.”