The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) recently opened a 30-day public review and comment period for the draft fiscal year 2025-2029 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
The draft lists transportation projects planned by state and regional planning agencies from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2029. During that period, $13.8 billion in funding will be available for projects including $9.9 billion in road and bridge construction contractor awards, averaging approximately $2 billion annually, and $2.4 billion of General Revenue for the Improve I-70 program.
It will cost $2.8 billion to plan, design, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate and repair three lanes in each direction on nearly 200 miles of I-70.
“The investments made in this year’s STIP fund another 1,400 projects providing transportation improvements to communities across the state,” MoDOT Director Patrick McKenna said. “The General Assembly and the Governor’s continued support with General Revenue addresses previously unfunded needs that provide safety and economic benefits to all Missourians.”
The program is available for review on MoDOT’s website. Residents can comment via email, phone or mail.
The comment period closes May 30.
The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission will review comments and the final transportation program and consider approval at its July 10 meeting.