Con Edison and FleetCarma, an electric vehicle (EV) technology solutions company, recently announced they are seeking participants to enroll in the new SmartCharge New York program, which will reward EV use and charging habits.
The program will allow participants to receive credit each time they charge their vehicles within Con Edison’s service territory. The data will be collected by a free cell-enabled, FleetCarma C2 connected device that plugs into the on-board diagnostic port or connector of the vehicle. SmartCharge rewards can be exchanged for gift cards, digital pre-paid cards, and non-profit donations.
“We expect the number of electric vehicles to increase the next few years as drivers realize the economic and environmental benefits,” Matthew Ketschke, Con Edison’s vice president of Distributed Resource Integration, said. “We see EVs as another technology that is helping us build a cleaner, more efficient energy future in which customers have access to the choices they want.”
The timing of the program launch coincides with the Drive Clean Rebate, a New York State incentive offering discounts up to $2,000 for individuals purchasing EVs from state registered dealerships. The federal government is also offering a tax credit of up to $7,500 for EV use.
SmartCharge New York is open to all EV owners and does not require participants to be Con Edison customers. In addition to rewards and incentives, program participants will have access to FleetCarma’s online portal where they can view their driving efficiency, carbon footprint, battery health, and more.