The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is hosting a virtual public engagement event through April 30 to introduce a Planning and Environmental Linkages Study on the Downtown Nashville Interstate Corridors.
During the virtual event, residents will learn about the study’s objectives, see existing conditions within the study corridor, provide feedback, and help the study team understand concerns and priorities.
The purpose of the study is to determine urban congestion relief improvement strategies for the 45 miles of interstate leading into and surrounding downtown Nashville. The information will inform the environmental review process and help meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act.
The Downtown Nashville Interstate Corridor was selected for the study based on previous traffic congestion studies and Congestion Action Plans TDOT conducted.
Solutions being considered include Choice Lanes, new lanes added to an interstate to manage traffic through dynamic pricing.
When the public comment period ends, study materials will remain on the department’s website for the duration of the study. The public and stakeholders will then be able to continue to share feedback.
Planning and Environmental Linkages is a collaborative approach to transportation decision-making that considers the benefits and impacts of proposed transportation system improvements on the community, economy, and environment during the early transportation planning process.