FAA awards airport control towers $20M in grants

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The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently awarded 20 airport-owned airport traffic control towers in 17 states $20 million in Airport Infrastructure Grants Federal Contract Tower Competitive grants.

Funding was awarded to smaller and regional airports to construct, repair, improve, modernize, replace or relocate towers and install communications equipment.

“These investments expand the resources available to airports and help ensure airport traffic control towers across the country and the men and women who work in them are able to effectively do their jobs and communicate with pilots,” FAA Associate Administrator for Airports Shannetta R. Griffin said. “Not only does this help improve safety at our airports, but it creates good-paying jobs and helps boost local economies.”

Grant recipients include:

Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport in Arizona was awarded $2 million to fund Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) improvements identified in the ATCT Facility Needs Assessment. Improvements include becoming Americans with Disabilities Act compliant, FAA communications and other equipment, fire protection, and interior enhancements.

The University of Oklahoma was awarded $2 million for the Max Westheimer Airport in Norman. Funding will go toward the construction of a ATCT facility.

Valley International Airport in Harlingen, Texas, was awarded $2 million for a portion of the construction of a replacement ATCT.