The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MdDOT) recently awarded $17.4 million to eight construction projects in the Twin Cities Metro and Greater Minnesota to improve transportation infrastructure.
Funding is through the state’s Transportation Economic Development and Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure programs that fund transportation infrastructure projects that create economic development opportunities and jobs.
“This round of Transportation Economic Development funding leverages local public and private funding to complete road projects that help create safe, vibrant communities, connect local businesses to their customers and supply chains, and connect people to jobs,” MnDOT Commissioner Nancy Daubenberger said. “The projects also improve local and regional safety, and demonstrate how a strong multi-modal transportation system supports healthy communities.”
Projects include:
The City of Waconia was awarded $5 million toward the Highway 5 Phase 2 Reconstruction Project. The project will upgrade 1.4 miles of two-lane road to a four-lane divided road, close a .8-mile gap in the regional trail system, and improve mobility and safety.
Dakota County was awarded $2.4 million to improve the existing Highway 52/County Road 42 interchange in Rosemount. The project will adding new traffic signals and improve turn lane capacity from Highway 52 onto County Road 42.
Aitkin County was awarded $2.1 million to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Highway 65/Highway 210/County Road 8 in McGregor.