The Build America Bureau recently provided the Colorado Transportation Investment Office (CTIO), on behalf of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), a $501 million Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loan to improve a 61-mile corridor of I-25
“This loan offers the project sponsors a cost-efficient option to build the improvements and realize benefits now using existing and future toll revenue,” Bureau Executive Director Morteza Farajian said. “The entire region is growing and innovative solutions such as the one used on this project will help ease today’s congestion and prepare the region for future growth and associated economic development.”
The project will relieve traffic on neighborhood streets by constructing new mobility hubs at the Kendal Parkway and Colorado 56 interchange that encourage a shift to transit, carpooling, and bicycle/pedestrian travel. It also will rehabilitate 13 bridges, six interchanges and rail crossings, and connect users to a 100-mile regional trail network.
Work includes 52 miles of express lanes.
The CTIO estimates that the loan will allow the agency to accelerate construction by nearly a decade and will avert more than $250 million in project delay costs. The state is investing $4.6 billion in the project through 2060.
The loan will help expedite the delivery of key segments and phases by 2028.