The California Department of Housing and Community Development recently awarded more than $352 million in Regional Early Action Planning grants program (REAP 2.0) funds.
The program provides funding to cities, counties, and regional governments to build sustainable, resilient, and equitable communities that reduce vehicle miles traveled.
The department administers the funding in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, the Strategic Growth Council, and the California Air Resources Board.
“Abundant affordable housing is key to addressing the climate crisis,” Lourdes Castro Ramírez, business, consumer services and housing agency secretary, said. “California is proud to partner with local communities to build more affordable homes in the right places – near jobs, transit and neighborhood services – to mitigate the impact of climate change, improve people’s quality of life, and meet the state’s climate goals.”
The bulk of the funding was awarded to Metropolitan Planning Organizations that have the option of suballocating a portion to cities and counties in their regions.
A total of $30 million in Higher-Impact Transformative funding was awarded to five communities with plans to transform under-resourced neighborhoods.
Awardees include the Southern California Association of Governments, $237.41 million; the San Diego Association of Governments, $38.73 million; and the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, $31.83 million.