The U.S. Department of Transportation recently opened the application period for the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program.
The application period ends on Sept. 28.
The program combines two previous programs. The Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program funded community-led projects that mitigate physical barriers to mobility and access while the Neighborhood Access and Equity Program funded projects that remove physical barriers and projects that improve walkability, safety, and affordable transportation access.
“Transportation should never divide communities – its purpose is to connect people to jobs, schools, housing, groceries, family, places of worship, and more,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said. “By combining these two grant programs into a single application, we are making it easier for communities to seek and receive the funding they need to build better, safer, inclusive infrastructure for the future.”
The agency will provide $198 million in Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program grants. A total of $50 million will be for community planning grants and $148 million will be for capital construction grants.
The agency also will provide $3.155 billion in Neighborhood Access and Equity Program grants. A total of $135 million will be for community planning grants, $2.57 billion to capital construction grants, and $450 million to regional partnerships challenge grants.