The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) recently announced it will be expanding its E-Hail pilot program to 3,600 paratransit customers in August.
The E-Hail on-demand service offers Access-A-Ride (AAR) customers the ability to book trips through existing taxi or for-hire vehicle services.
“We have made major progress in reliability with improvements in on-time performance and customer satisfaction,” Chris Pangilinan, MTA vice president of paratransit, said. “This expansion complements those efforts as we explore a structure for an on-demand service option that offers our riders an unprecedented level of flexibility and spontaneity while being financially sustainable.”
During phase one, the program expanded from 200 to 1,200 customers. Paratransit customers book rides through an app for $2.75 a trip with no limits on trips or cost. The median number of monthly trips was 17.5 and the median cost per trip was $40.
During phase two, there will be two programs and customers will have a $4 co-pay. One program will offer a distance-based option and will provide up to 25 trips a month for up to $40 each. The second program will offer a volume-based option that will provide up to 40 monthly trips for up to $25 each.
The phase will run through February, but could be extended after a six-month review.