The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is seeking public feedback now through July 31 on the draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment to replace 31 outdated airport traffic control towers at smaller airports nationwide.
The 31 towers have been functioning beyond their intended design life.
The environmental assessment is available for public review online. It analyzes the potential environmental impacts that could result from the decommissioning and removal of the existing towers and from the construction and operation of the proposed new towers; and considers the conditions and potential environmental impacts of replacing numerous FAA-owned control towers with modern facilities.
Practice for Architecture and Urbanism of New York designed the new towers that will range in height from 60 to 119 feet. They will feature key sustainability elements such as all-electric building systems, ground-source heating and cooling in some environments, high-recycled steel and metal products, materials and products free from chemicals known to pose health risks, renewable mass timber when usable, and a thermally efficient façade.
The FAA controls more than 5 million square miles of airspace over land and more than 24 million square miles over ocean.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $1 billion annually for five years to upgrade the FAA’s air traffic control. The agency set aside more than $500 million to support site evaluation, preparation, and early construction activities.